Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rushing Technologies, Rushing Computing Scientists

We can all have no problem understanding what is meant by 'Rushing Technologies'. We all, scientists and users, feel the speedy pace of technologies development, but what is meant by 'Rushing Computing Scientists' needs some clarification. I intended to impose such post as the first one in my blog to convey the purpose of this blog, the nature of discussion here, and to lay the foundation for subsequent posts to come.

By 'Rushing Computing Scientists' I mean that the tremendously speeding up technology development made persons who are working with them and by them exhibit the same nature; we are rushing after them to understand them, to use them, to enhance them. However, technologies can rush as they want; it is our benefit basically that they are rushing, but we humans standing on them; seriously, cannot rush as we want. This is because we need understanding, we need apprehension of what we are doing. We need to understand where are we now, and most importantly to where we are going with these technologies. The sad part of this is that we do not even understand what computer science is basically. Need to test that, fine, go ahead and ask multiple computer science professors, students, and graduates this question: Is Computer Science Science? And let you see the answers you will get. Only then, you will discover the shallow perceptions of whether the word we are pronouncing since 1950's is valid or not. You may ask why bother with that question or why people working with CS have to know the answer. The answer is simple: Computer Science needs an 'identity' that in turn would give us an identity of what we are doing. Having a clear identity of CS and an identity for us will increase our understanding of what we are doing and most importantly of who we are.

To complete the opening of this blog, computing scientists cannot be rushing like technologies. We need to build our field as a discipline, we need to understand the facets and realities of our field. We should no more concentrate on just the technical aspect of CS because CS became a very close field to our realities, touching our lives, changing them, and affecting them. CS has become too important that it cannot be narrowed down to just technicalities.

In this blog named "The Philosophy of Computer Science" I am not intending to take the path of other philosophy of computer science available literature that seeks the philosophical aspects of technicalities such as: data structures or dual identity of programs or aritificial intelligence. The current literature of philosophy of computer science is still dealing with academic questions of the technical aspect of CS. However, in this blog I am interested in shaping the truthes and understanding of the field iteslf and not the specific technicalities inside it. It is about understanding all the facets of the FIELD computer science not the facets of the things inside computer science. At the end, we need to shape the field as a discipline and maintain a sense of direction to it.

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